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    Why we want to hear your ambition story

    In partnership with our sister company Datel we would like to hear your ambition story.

    Earlier this year, Peter Jones was appointed as Sage’s Ambition Ambassador – a role in which he wants to help UK businesses do even more.

    To many, Peter personifies ambition and he is known for helping people (and in turn businesses), realise their aspirations.

    At a recent event to celebrate businesses hosted by Sage, Peter took centre stage to talk about his story, from the challenges he faced over the course of his journey, to what ambition means to him today.

    Datel has helped over 1,000 businesses realise their ambitions wherever they are on their journey.

    Our part to play, is to ensure that their technology, helps them to realise those ambitions. With the confidence in the software that supports their vision, our customers are free to focus on their plans.

    And it’s these business stories, journeys and successes of both our current and future customers, that drives Datel to deliver.

    It’s what we care about.

    What’s your ambition story?

    Inspired by Peter’s story and his passion for encouraging others to realise their aspirations, we’re running a competition to find Britain’s most ambitious business. The lucky winner will receive a promotional video showcasing their business ambition, courtesy of Datel.

    Everybody has a different story to tell.

    It may be how your business got started, to the challenges you face to turn that ambition into a reality. It could be about something special you’re doing today – or about your aspirations for the future.

    We want to hear your story – and where your drive to achieve it has taken you.

    You can click here to share your own story, or nominate a person that your feel demonstrates ambition whose example deserves to be heard.