Critical Path Management

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    Control Product Development and monitor sourcing operations by effectively managing events in your business process with the Protex Critical Path Management (CPM)

    The Protex Critical Path Management (CPM) helps you manage events effectively in your business processes whether it is managing the product development process or, monitoring purchase orders. The system aligns the correct resources to a process, monitoring progress and performance throughout. Problems are identified through alerts to enable swift corrective action.

    Protex CPM is a flexible system designed to fit your existing working practices providing visibility, insight and control which in turn provides the ability to reduce time and costs.

    Protex CPM aims to:

    Enable fast issue management through alerts

    leverages best practice by using a central repository of templates

    Increase customer satisfaction through more on time delivery

    Provide a ROI by increasing employee productivity

    Promote a change in culture – start to think why late?

    Provides greater visibility into reasons for delays

    Reduce Air Freight Costs due to unmanaged issues